Empowering Members to Lead: The beginning of the Norma Minch Andrisek Leadership Conference
The Summer of 1980 saw the beginnings of what would eventually become the Norma Minch Andrisek Leadership Conference (NMALC). That year, 140 collegians attended one of three Regional Leadership Workshops held at Epsilon-Indiana, Beta Tau-Nebraska Wesleyan and Alpha Gamma-Alabama chapter houses. Now held annually at Miami University, NMALC has more than 300 undergraduate members take part in this leadership experience. In the Fall 1980 issue of The LAMP, then National President Norma Minch Andrisek, Order of the Laurel, Gamma Alpha-Baldwin Wallace (OH), wrote the following in her President Message:
Experiences in Delta Zeta are many and varied. High on the list of the best are this year’s first Leadership Workshops. Their acceptance by all who participated has been most significant.
The determination that there was a need for such meetings was confirmed overwhelmingly. Those who participated were eager and responsive. Our confidence, that those in a position to help would do so, was strengthened when local alumnae volunteered their support. And, finally, a belief in the value of the workshops was affirmed by an endorsement from all of those present that they continue to be an important part of Delta Zeta’s future plans.
The most rewarding and beneficial part of the workshops was the bringing together, in work and fun, of Delta Zetas who have a variety of responsibilities. National and chapter officers became real people to one another, not just names on a report. All agreed that it was great to know that National Council members really cared and, according to one comment, “are human.”
Other comments which reflect the tone of the meetings included, “I learned that National isn’t an untouchable, uncaring organization," "every question imaginable was answered,” and “I’ve realized again and again how lucky I am to be a Delta Zeta."
Perhaps the words that best express what we hoped would happen as a result of the workshops came in a letter from a CCD who said, “The knowledge and ideas acquired will be beneficial in the chapter’s progress; yet the confidence and hope with which they left will be invaluable qualities that can turn the chapter into the group that it has the potential to be. Because you helped our chapter, through the workshops, and your display of contagious enthusiasm and concern, I offer my thanks. Because you once again stirred in me my own pride and love of Delta Zeta, I offer my personal thanks.”
Many expressions of thanks came to the national officers. They mean a great deal for they strengthen our belief in what Delta Zeta can do and what Delta Zeta can be. However, those of us who directed these meetings receive far more than is given, and we offer our appreciation to all who made them possible. To the alumnae who provided everything from fans to cool us in a warm house to delicious treats to eat, to the house corporation members who saw to the cleaning and care of the house, to Cathi Lynch, Marvona Tavlin and Patti DeWitt, the CCDs who assumed so much of the overall local planning and responsibility, a very special thank you. And most especially, to each one of you who attended, thank you for coming, for caring and for sharing. You are Delta Zeta and you made it happen.